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Apply for CEO Next

For Anissa Keyes, the founder and CEO of Arubah Emotional Health, finding connection with other successful business owners was hard. Her social network doesn’t discuss business branding, managing key leaders, or major commercial development—things that were top of mind for her.

That’s why she joined CEO Next, a cohort learning opportunity for businesses owners with more than 10 employees. It's a space where these successful leaders can discuss the shared challenges of scale and dig into their business with deep research.

“The cohorts are really the only spaces where I can be around other business owners who really have been able to bring their businesses to that second level,” said Keyes.

Read how she found that connection and got a bit of peace of mind about her business challenges at  

If you are a CEO of a second-stage business looking to grow into regional and national markets, now is the time to apply for the next CEO Next cohort, priority consideration will be given to eligible businesses that apply by September 22.  Applications for the next cohort close October 20, 2023. 

Keep up with all of the Elevate Hennepin group-learning opportunities by signing up for the Elevate Hennepin newsletter below. 

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