Led by TRUTH
Led by TRUTH is an Elevate Hennepin business advisor offering up to 25 hours of business and financial planning services at no cost, including:
- Business and strategic plan development
- Mission, vision development, and goal setting
- Industry and market analysis and customer segmentation
- Unique value proposition and competitive positioning
- SWOT Analysis
- Financial reports, projections, and forecasting
- Business profitability modeling
- Coaching to refine the business idea
- Define the problem the product/service solves for
- Guidance through completing a business lean canvas
- Formulation of mission, vision, and unique value proposition
- Identify product(s)/service(s) offered
- Assistance understanding the market and industry
- Define target customers or creating a customer avatar
- Support client in testing and validating business concepts, size markets, & take initial steps
- Equip client to evaluate the viability of their business idea
- Assist clients with entity formation, seeking legal and accounting advisor input as needed
- Refer to other advisors as appropriate
Led by TRUTH is committed to nurturing and advancing founders of color. We offer a range of services, including business plan development and strategic planning, to foster a community where diversity drives innovation and success. Our mission is to create a supportive environment that champions authenticity and transformative leadership within business owners, assisting them in developing a more sustainable business model to realize the legacies they envision.
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Meet one-on-one with Led by TRUTH to assess your best next step.

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