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Launch Minnesota Innovation and SBIR/STTR grants

The 2023 Minnesota Legislature reauthorized the Launch Minnesota Grant Program and funded it at $1.5 million for each fiscal year (FY) 2024 and 2025. Launch Minnesota Innovation Grants target the most promising, innovative businesses and technology in Minnesota. Together we’re working to support Minnesota startups and entrepreneurs who are solving problems and growing our state’s innovation ecosystem.

Launch Minnesota’s FY 2025 grant funding of $1.5 million is available beginning July 1, 2024. As of March 21, 2024, funding for FY 2024 has been fully exhausted.

2 main types of grants are available. These are the Innovation Grants, and the SBIR/STTR Matching Grants:

Innovation Grants:

The Innovation Grant reimburses business expenses, incurred in Minnesota, for research and development, direct business expenses (including wages of employees, but not salaries or wages of 20% or more owners of the business or their family members), and the purchase of technical assistance and services. Qualifying businesses may receive grants up to $35,000, which are disbursed on a 2:1 reimbursement basis (grantee spends $2, then gets reimbursed $1).

SBIR/STTR Matching Grants:

The Minnesota Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Matching Grant provides funding to Federal SBIR/STTR first time Phase 1 and Phase 2 awardees who were notified/approved after July 1, 2022. Qualifying businesses receive grants based on sliding scale of their Federal award up to $35,000 for Phase 1 awards and up to $50,000 for Phase 2 awards. Applicants may receive one grant per biennium (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025).

For more information on how to apply for these grants, please click on the link below:

Launch Minnesota Grants

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Access to Capital, Lending resources, Technology, Women




Early growth businesses (1-9 employees), Second stage businesses (10+ employees), Startup businesses (0 employees)


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This 5-week webinar series provides assistance for small business owners to translate their innovation into a fundable, high-growth business.